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For higher education the role of Khajura College was very important as it was the only one college in the range of 25 kms away from New Town of Jessore to Arpara of Magura District. The authority takes new steps every year for the improvement of education regarding the situational importance of the college. Here classes are taken by there experienced teachers and the percentage of result of this college is satisfactory. Above all, now there are some facilities and felicities in this college like HSC centre, HSC (BM) tutorial centre & Degree centre. It has also added a new dimension with the opening of Honorus course. Hot only for the physical, mental and psychological development of the objectives of this educational institution. In this regard, the students are made with care to be attentive towards Dtudy of literature, sports, cultural function and to be respectful towards rules and regulations, law order and discipline. To preserve the reputation and to accelerate the over all advancement of the college , the concerted sincere efforts with co-operation, the authority, the teachers the staves and above all of the students are undoubtedly undeniable that very student studding in this college will be attentive and conscious about his/her duty and responsibility and be respectful to the rules and disciplines of the college is its read desire. For the over all improvement of the college, it is trosped that with all the rules and regulations designed in this “Prospectus”, the learners will preserve the prestige and reputation of the college by being respectful and dutiful.

Basic Information
College Code 0503 College Type Government
Division Khulna District Jessore
Upazilla/Thana Gafargaon Post Code 7471
College Website College Email
College FAX College Mobile Number 01711237535
Year of Establishment 1972 Total Land 8.34 Acre
Brief Background of the College For higher education the role of Khajura College was very important as it was the only one college in the range of 25 kms away from New Town of Jessore to Arpara of Magura District. The authority takes new steps every year for the improvement of education regarding the situational importance of the college. Here classes are taken by there experienced teachers and the percentage of result of this college is satisfactory. Above all, now there are some facilities and felicities in this college like HSC centre, HSC (BM) tutorial centre & Degree centre. It has also added a new dimension with the opening of Honorus course. Hot only for the physical, mental and psychological development of the objectives of this educational institution. In this regard, the students are made with care to be attentive towards Dtudy of literature, sports, cultural function and to be respectful towards rules and regulations, law order and discipline. To preserve the reputation and to accelerate the over all advancement of the college , the concerted sincere efforts with co-operation, the authority, the teachers the staves and above all of the students are undoubtedly undeniable that very student studding in this college will be attentive and conscious about his/her duty and responsibility and be respectful to the rules and disciplines of the college is its read desire. For the over all improvement of the college, it is trosped that with all the rules and regulations designed in this “Prospectus”, the learners will preserve the prestige and reputation of the college by being respectful and dutiful.
Personal Information
Principal Name MD. ABDUR RAZZAQUE Principal Mobile Number 01711237535
Vice Principal Name MD. AMINUR RAHMAN Vice Principal Mobile Number 01712026945
Head Clerk name MD. ANOWAR HOSSAIN Head Clerk Mobile Number 01718737428
Book / Journal / Periodical
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