The renowned educationist and socialist Md. Arif Mahmud founded this college in 1998 with the help of people. This college has been established for building up a beautiful, seasonable, scientific and realist citizen. This college has contributed much for spreading the light of education among the rural helpless, poor and meritorious student At present this institution has started BA (Degree) course. Every year this institution
Makes a good result. In every session all the students have to attend total six semester examination with the first year final and second year test exam. Besides this it is compulsory for all the students to all tutorial exam. It is also compulsory to increase the standard of student's education, taking tutorial exam after semester exam, meeting with the student’s guardian, analysis of result and taking care of each students making group by the teacher’s own self. At the end of every month it is discussed in the teacher’s meeting about the standard of student’s education. It is seemed with very importance of the student’s attendance in the class room. I hope that the standard of education will be progressed by this teaching system. I wish the help of government, governing body, teachers, student’s guardians and all classes of people this institution will be go ahead.