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Historical background of Kaukhali Mohila College Kaukhali Mohila College is one of the best colleges in the district of Pirojpur under the education board of Barisal. The college has a long historical background. The college was founded by Mr. Anwar Hossain Manju, former successful communication minister with the help of some social worker of Kaukhali. The college was inaugurated on 23/01/1999. From the establishment it started functioning with three groups’ science, commerce and arts. At present there are 350 students, 18 teacher, 2 clerks, 1 librarian and 5 fourth class employees. The college was brought under the process of M.P.O in 2004. After the inawarguration it started its function is at the residence of Mr. Aliuzzaman, a renowned social worker of Kaukhali Upazila. After one year the was replaced at the residence of Mr. Abubakar siddique former chairman of Kaukhali union parisad. But the college commitee re establised at present location in 2001. It’s land area is about 2 acres. There are many recreationed and sports facilities for the students here. There is also a big library. The security system is very strong inspired of not having a boundary wall. Recently like many other college this has introduced creative teaching method. The teachers of this institution are very experienced and the teaching environment is very charming. The students do outstanding performance in their public exam. Considering all these the college is a unique one.

Basic Information
College Code 1227 College Type Non Government
Division Barisal District Perojpur
Upazilla/Thana Dhanmondi Post Code 8510
College Website College Email
College FAX College Mobile Number 01309102720
Year of Establishment 1999 Total Land 1.15 Ekor
Brief Background of the College Historical background of Kaukhali Mohila College Kaukhali Mohila College is one of the best colleges in the district of Pirojpur under the education board of Barisal. The college has a long historical background. The college was founded by Mr. Anwar Hossain Manju, former successful communication minister with the help of some social worker of Kaukhali. The college was inaugurated on 23/01/1999. From the establishment it started functioning with three groups’ science, commerce and arts. At present there are 350 students, 18 teacher, 2 clerks, 1 librarian and 5 fourth class employees. The college was brought under the process of M.P.O in 2004. After the inawarguration it started its function is at the residence of Mr. Aliuzzaman, a renowned social worker of Kaukhali Upazila. After one year the was replaced at the residence of Mr. Abubakar siddique former chairman of Kaukhali union parisad. But the college commitee re establised at present location in 2001. It’s land area is about 2 acres. There are many recreationed and sports facilities for the students here. There is also a big library. The security system is very strong inspired of not having a boundary wall. Recently like many other college this has introduced creative teaching method. The teachers of this institution are very experienced and the teaching environment is very charming. The students do outstanding performance in their public exam. Considering all these the college is a unique one.
Personal Information
Principal Name ALOK KUMAR KARMOKER Principal Mobile Number 01716639513
Vice Principal Name 0 Vice Principal Mobile Number 0
Head Clerk name MD. HUMAYUN KABIR Head Clerk Mobile Number 01701870520
Book / Journal / Periodical
Library No. of Book's No. of Journal's No. of Periodical
Central Library 0 100 10
Seminar 500 10 05