Sirajganj Govt. College is one of the largest educational institute in North Bengal. The college was established on 1940 and become Nationalized on 1984.Mr. Hilali was the founder Principal of this college. The college is situated north side of the town. Large number of students are becoming graduate from this college and serving the nation. Under National University there are 16 subjects for Honor’s program and 10 subjects for Master’s Program. The college has academic building, Library, Auditorim, Mosque and examination Hall. For student’s the college also has hostel facilities. The college has a well furnished computer lab. All the student’s of this college can get basic computer training from this Lab. For extra curriculum student can join to BNCC, Rover Scouts and also other social programs. Prof. Md. Abdur Razzaque is now the current Principal and Prof. Mahfuza Begum is Vice Principal of this college