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The college name Ramkrishnapur Degree College was established in 1986 by the people devotion to education and utmost effort of common massin the locality of Ramkrishnapur. Since the college had been functioning its activities up to 2015 with reputation. The college has been focused as one of the reputed institutions in the district of comilla. In 2014 the institution was promoted as a degree college under National University. There are Humanities department, Science department and Business Education department in the intermediate level and B.S.S, B.B.S and B.A in degree level. The college code of National University is 3771. Comilla Board code 8201. There are 35 teachers along with principal who took a great role in imparting education in the college. There are 3 third class employees and 6 fourth class employees in this institution. There is a well-decorated library in this college. There is a nice computer laboratory with printers and twenty four hours internet facilities in the computer laboratory. H.S.C exam is held regularly in this college since 1995. There are 1000 Students who are studying at this time in the college. The college is run by a good Governing Body and the chairman of the Governing Body is honourable Engineering Sayed Mohammad Jonayed Aowar

Basic Information
College Code 3771 College Type Non Government
Division CHATTOGRAM District Comilla
Upazilla/Thana Homna Post Code 3541
College Website College Email
College FAX College Mobile Number 01309105696
Year of Establishment 1986 Total Land 3.21
Brief Background of the College The college name Ramkrishnapur Degree College was established in 1986 by the people devotion to education and utmost effort of common massin the locality of Ramkrishnapur. Since the college had been functioning its activities up to 2015 with reputation. The college has been focused as one of the reputed institutions in the district of comilla. In 2014 the institution was promoted as a degree college under National University. There are Humanities department, Science department and Business Education department in the intermediate level and B.S.S, B.B.S and B.A in degree level. The college code of National University is 3771. Comilla Board code 8201. There are 35 teachers along with principal who took a great role in imparting education in the college. There are 3 third class employees and 6 fourth class employees in this institution. There is a well-decorated library in this college. There is a nice computer laboratory with printers and twenty four hours internet facilities in the computer laboratory. H.S.C exam is held regularly in this college since 1995. There are 1000 Students who are studying at this time in the college. The college is run by a good Governing Body and the chairman of the Governing Body is honourable Engineering Sayed Mohammad Jonayed Aowar
Personal Information
Principal Name MD LOKMAN HOSSAIN Principal Mobile Number 01309105696
Vice Principal Name N/A Vice Principal Mobile Number 0
Head Clerk name MD. WOLI ULLAH Head Clerk Mobile Number 01814232871
Book / Journal / Periodical
Library No. of Book's No. of Journal's No. of Periodical
Central Library 0 100 10
Seminar 500 10 05