Ashuganj Sar Karkhana School was established on 01/01/1978 for giving standard education of the children of the workers, employees and officers. It was developed in the Higher Secondary level in the next and was named Ashuganj Sar Karkhanan College. Through getting registration of National University in 1997 the courses of BA, BBS and BSS were introduced.
It is an ideal educational institution which is run by the directly supervision and financed by Ashuganj Fertilizer and Chemical Company Limited (AFCCL) under the control of Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC). All expenditures are financed by AFCCL. A group of talented and highly experienced teachers teaches in this institution. At present the number of students in school level is 1168, HSC level is 398 and Degree level is 61. There are two large campuses in this institution which are stood by the river Meghna and surrounded by green trees where gas, water and electricity are available. The college section of this institution is open for all on the basis of merit. This reputated institution is always cutting a very good figure in all the public examination.