In 1972 some donors, industrialists and kind people of kaitala come forward with a view to establishing a college at kaitala. The founding group of the college firstly considered the needs of the poor and bright students of kaitala. The consideration for the poor people of kaitala inspired the founding group to set up a college at kaitala. Since the establishment of the college till today many facilities along with scholarship have been provided with the bright and poor students. The generous and kindhearted founding groups have done all these things only for the development of the merit of the students. Even at the very beginning of the college, the founding groups themselves contributed 364.5 decimals of land to establish the college. The names of the greathearted founding groups are
1. Md. Abdul Hannan
2. Dr. Kamrul Huda
3. Adv. Samsul Alam
At present Dr. Kamrul Huda scholarship fund has been established in the college.
At the beginning of the college, there was only one tin-shed house. Now there are 1 & 3 stored building and a tin-shed academic building. There is an enriched library and a brick built mosque. All these above-mentioned facilities have been ensured only for the development of the students.