Kachalong College, The darling daughter of hidden hilly land stands in the North-East corner and more or less 144 Km away from Rangamati, known as the daughter of nature. It is 1982 when kachalong College took her first step and continues her journey as a degree college since her birth. Here there is a little River, following with melodius sound dividing Baghaichari Upazilla into two parts 'Kachalong' and the college is named after this loving river like many other institutions of this area. Under the Leadership of some education loving persons, named Late Parijat Kusum Chakma, Late Samshul Huqe (Exchairman), Late Abdul Razzak (master), Late Abdul Hakim, Late Saratt Karbari, Late Hongso Dhaws Chakma, Late Abdul Hakiz Sawdagor, Late Jotika Chakma, Late Santi Bikash Chakma, Mr. Amiyo Khisa, Mr. Pulin Bihari Chakma, Mr. Swapan Kumar Dey (Ex- Principal), college was established. More over Mr. Ali Hyder Khan, Mr. Abdul Haish and the then co of local Marishya exgage their influensive power and patronized to acualize the dream of land people of this remoted and hidden land sorroended by many small and large green hills. Now the noble hearted presen govrnment eblisted Kachalong Degree College to promote it as nationalized.