Bikrampur Adarsha College, one of the best colleges of Munshiganj District is located by the side of Dhaka-Mowa High way under the shadow of on excellent environment at Kuchiamora in Sirajdikhan Upozila, popularly known as the gate of Bikrampur. This College was established in 1984. Since its foundation, it has been playing an important role in education in different groups such as Humanities, B:studies, Science at Intermediate level and B.A, B.S.S, B.B.S, B.SC at Degree level. Moreaver, this college has also got the recognition to open Bangla, Accounting and Management subjects in Honours course. This is really a distinguished land mark in education of this college. Result at H.S.C and Degree level is quite satisfactory. There is a large library in this college where huce collection of books in different subjects from home and abroad are avaible. This college is free from student politics and reputed for smoking free institution.