A Brief History of Government Debendra College.
Government Debendra College, Manikganj, situated in the District Headquarters, is the oldest college of Manikganj district and it has a more glorious history than any other educational institution of this district. In spite of being a personality of Tangail district, the great philanthropist and preacher of education Ranada Prasad Saha established the college in 1942 in name of his father Debendra Nath Saha. The college was upgraded to Degree level in 1949. Science group at H.S.C level was included in 1963 and Agricultural Science was included in 1976. The college became a full-fledged Degree College when B.Com(pass) and B.Sc (pass) courses were opened respectively in 1964 and 1970. Honours course in Bangla was opened in 1972. The college was nationalized on the 1st of March, 1980. Later on, Honours courses were opened in several other subjects. At present, Honours courses are taught in 17 subjects. Masters (Preliminary) courses are taught in 7 subjects and Masters (Final) courses are taught in 8 subjects. The Ministry of Education has already given permission to open Honours courses in Finance and Banking, and Marketing and Masters (Preliminary) courses in 4 subjects and Masters (Final) courses in 5 subjects. It is now under the consideration of National University.