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Saturia Syed Kalu Shah college is established in 1995. Then the college got intermediate affiliation in 1998 & got MPO in the year of 2000. It becomes the best college in Manikganj district two times. Present number of students of the college is more than three thousand. Now it is a BM, Degree & Honours College. Communication of the college is very good. It is situated on Saturia Thana proper under Manikganj district. Total environment of the college is healthful for the teachers, staffs & students. It is also free from any type of offense. The college is infrastructurally rich. Result of the college is satisfactory. The name of the founder of the college is Syed Badsha Alam. I wish its better position from day to day.

Basic Information
College Code 5817 College Type Non Government
College Address SATURIA
Division Dhaka District Manikganj
Upazilla/Thana Faridpur Sadar Post Code 18100
College Website College Email
College FAX College Mobile Number 027725054
Year of Establishment 1995 Total Land 412
Brief Background of the College Saturia Syed Kalu Shah college is established in 1995. Then the college got intermediate affiliation in 1998 & got MPO in the year of 2000. It becomes the best college in Manikganj district two times. Present number of students of the college is more than three thousand. Now it is a BM, Degree & Honours College. Communication of the college is very good. It is situated on Saturia Thana proper under Manikganj district. Total environment of the college is healthful for the teachers, staffs & students. It is also free from any type of offense. The college is infrastructurally rich. Result of the college is satisfactory. The name of the founder of the college is Syed Badsha Alam. I wish its better position from day to day.
Personal Information
Principal Name MONIRUZZAMAN Principal Mobile Number 01710378672
Vice Principal Name MD. AMINUR RAHMAN KHAN MAJLISH Vice Principal Mobile Number 01711133398
Head Clerk name MD. ABDUS SOBAN Head Clerk Mobile Number 01745442000
Book / Journal / Periodical
Library No. of Book's No. of Journal's No. of Periodical
Central Library 0 100 10
Seminar 500 10 05