Brief Background of the College |
Small in size and new in age in the heart of the Rajbari district town, keeping its head high, standing with pride, is the first Mohila college in Rajbari. Overcoming many obstacles, it has now become Rajbari Govt. Adarsha Mohilla College. For higher education, the only educational institute Rajbari college (established in 1961) was nationalished as Rajbari Govt. college in 1980. Then the local( interested in education) people, elite, teachers and above all the then mohakuma prashasak, Daoyan Afsar Uddin with other high officials felt the need of another college to establish beside Rajbari Govt. college. In course of time in 1982 there established a non- Govt. college named Rajbari Adarsha College in the municipality office Area. On the compound as a benevolent gift of Fazilatunnesa, a great woman. Through admission into Science , Humanaties and Commerce Groups in the HSC level as a non Govt. College, Rajbari Adarsha College started its Journey. Later on considering the urgency of female education, development of women, their higher education Rajbari Adarsha College was turned into Rajbari Adarsha Mohila College in 1988 and this college came into being as a Degree college in 1989. Next time this college was nationalized on 03.04.1997. At the state of non-Govt. college 03 students were placed in the merit list in the H.S.C Final exam from Arts and Commerce Group from education Board of Dhaka. In the year of 2012 college authority started honours course in political science and Bengali subjects under National University. To open another honours course in social welfare is under process. The college is still in its prestigious position in all respects.